In International Flights
*Attention: Currently, pet transportation services are provided only on some foreign routes of FlySepehran. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us (+982149116) before purchasing a ticket, and make sure that pet services are provided on your desired route.
People from all over the world have long gotten used to living with, caring and traveling with pets. However, this care occasionally causes issues. One of these worries is leaving a pet when on vacation, which can make its owner homesick and make things tough for the animal. On the other hand, travel has ingrained itself into the lives of many people. People migrate or travel for a variety of reasons, including to see family and friends, for amusement, jobs, or educational purposes. On some occasions, they have to travel with their pets.
Advantage of Carrying a Pet with FlySepehran
The pet admission into the plane cabin is forbidden. Even though airlines have made it possible to fly with pets, you cannot bring a pet into the airplane cabin due to the possibility of unease and fear in some passengers, as well as the possibility of disease transmission from animals to humans. Use FlySepehran’s pet transportation service if you want to travel with your pet. FlySepehran has made it possible to purchase pet transportation services online (on some flight routes) through its website. Before purchasing a ticket, please visit the official website of FlySepehran to ensure that pet transportation services are provided on your desired route.
Online Purchasing Pet Transport Services
If you plan to use FlySpehran’s pet services, note that these services are only provided on some foreign routes. Before purchasing a ticket, please make sure of the service provided in the desired route.
- Visit the website
- Go to the “Travelling with Pets” service section
- Enter your passport number
- Enter your pet’s information, including type, color, breed, health code, and weight, in the “add a pet” box
- After making payment, check your ticket for details about transporting pets
Pet Transportation Rules and Regulations
- Before boarding an aircraft, make sure your pet is in good health. To admit a pet at the airport, certain tests must be passed.
- All breeds of dogs, domestic cats, and house birds are the only animals that can be transported via pet services; other animals cannot be transported.
- A dog or cat cannot be transported by airline until at least 10 weeks have passed since the animal was born.
- You must have a standard cage that the animal can fit inside entirely.
- Fill the animal’s cage or box with enough water and food for flights lasting more than two hours.
- A flight can accommodate up to 5 pets of one type (dogs, cats, or house birds). So arrive at the airport earlier than normal to do the official affairs.
- Contact FlySepehran customer service at +982149116 for further details on the requirements and regulations for traveling with pets.
Pet Transportation Required Documents
Please bring the following documents and show them to FlySepehran’s officials when you arrive at the airport:
- The pet’s birth and health certificates, as well as the pet transportation form (available at the airport’s FlySepehran office).
- Pet’s vaccination documents. The precise vaccination date, as well as information like the vaccine’s name, batch number, and expiration date, should be listed on this record
- The airport veterinary approval form
- Your ticket or transportation fare payment confirmation
- The original valid pet health certificate
Guidelines for Allowing Pets at the Airport
- After purchasing a ticket for a pet transportation service, please go to the FlySepehran office at the airport for official affairs.
- Arrive at the airport a few hours before your flight and go through the official affairs of transporting your pet.
- If you do not have health documents with you, your pet must be quarantined at the destination airport for a few days.
Pet Transportation Standard Box
- Each animal must have its specific box. The size of the cage should be appropriate; otherwise, the animal won’t be accepted.
- The cage needs to be sturdy, safe, and properly ventilated.
- The cage should have a label with the animal’s information and the owner’s phone number.
- The cage should not have wheels, it makes the cage not move during takeoff and landing.
- The animal’s cage shouldn’t have any protruding sharp edges.
- The cage should have a secure lock.
- The pet’s crate should have ventilation on all four sides, only have one door, and be fastened together at the top and bottom with metal bolts rather than plastic.
- There must be 2 to 3 inches of space over the top of the head or ears. So, it should be a larger size if your pet is medium-sized.
- Animals with snouts need cages that are one size larger than usual.
- Cages should be made of plastic and all the pieces should be kept together by nuts and bolts. A metal front door is also suggested.
- Features a spacer lip around the middle, no wheels, and should not be foldable.
- A minimum of three or all sides should have ventilation.
- The wire crates, folding and collapsible crates, soft-sided crates, and crates with plastic pegs, snaps, or other fasteners that hold the top and bottom of the crate together are not acceptable.